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My "At Home" Yoga Routine

Have you wanted to get into yoga but you're too scared to go to a class and embarrass yourself in front of some strangers? If you are new, or just want to know what my favorite classes to take at home are, here ya go!

If you are a beginner I have a couple Youtube Yogis just for you!

Yoga with Adriene has a great 31 day introduction to the practice of yoga. Her catch phrase, "Find What Feels Good," has allowed me to be playful in my practice and do what is right for my body in that moment. I still return to these classes when I need to take things slow and focus on the mental aspects of yoga. She's cute, silly, and I feel like I really connect with her as a teacher.

This is the first video from the Yoga Revolution playlist:

I recently just tried this class and it's great to pair with another video! The ocean is so soothing and it takes me away from my bedroom and out onto the beach.

This class pairs well with the video above!

The class below was made to harness creativity! I really loved this class and Adriene helped me feel inspired to approach my day with positivity.


My next recommendation is Fightmaster Yoga! Lesley Fightmaster (yes that is her actual last name) is a great beginner/intermediate teacher. She has some truly healing classes. I've even cried after one! Her content is really beneficial to expand your practice and she always ends her classes with an inspiring quote. She makes an emphasis on tuning into yourself before returning to the rest of your day.

I did this class this morning and loved it. She incorporates some arm balancing poses that I can't do yet, but she explains each posture very well.

I loved this energetic morning class! She has lots of videos for so many different aches or pains you my be having.

If you are feeling weighed down or unable to let go of a feeling, thought, or person this is a beautiful practice for emotional release.


When I was in college my roommate, Rrita, introduced me to a Yogi named Ali Kamenova. She has some beginner classes, but I feel like her teaching approach is for higher levels. Once I started her classes, my practice completely changed. Some of her videos are really difficult, but the long term payoff is fantastic. If I really want to get a sweat on or my blood moving, I look up one of her videos. I prefer classes that are between 35-45 minutes because I want to get my day going and not spend too much time exercising. She also has a cute saying, "Namaste, Beautiful Yogis!"

Below are some of my go-to classes from her.

This is a great class for getting your body moving and it incorporates twists and poses for the core.

This class is a great beginners twisting class. There's soothing yoga/meditation music playing in the background and I love her backyard. She has a dog named Sophie, who often makes guest appearances in her classes. My one complaint with some of her videos is that her voice overs don't always match up with the video, so sometimes I rush through poses to keep up.

This video has her teaching the class without voice over and it's part of her espresso/coffee cup class series, which is an energizing 45 minute flow.

The last class I'm going to share with you is a class I often return to if I've been traveling with the band and if I was sitting for hours and hours. Twisting poses are extremely beneficial for the spine, weight loss, and the digestive system.


There are so many more videos I could include in this post! I have really learned to love yoga and I think it's done wonders for my mental health as well as my physical health. If you don't think you're made for yoga, that's simply not true! Anyone can do it, but the key is to start slow and learn the poses CORRECTLY the first time. If you don't see a class here you like, you can search for the type of class you want in the Youtube search bar and there is going to be a class made just for you, your mat, and your home practice. It may be hard getting into a routine, or even getting into the poses at first, but don't give up! Yoga takes time, often years and years of practice to master. Don't let your brain tell you that you can't do it! Youtube yoga has been my saving grace the past couple years and I'm happy to share my favorites with you!


© 2024 Raina Mullen

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